Wild Experiences at the Singapore Zoo

Singapore Zoo


Visiting a zoo is one of those activities that appeals to all types of travelers, from families to the solo adventurer.  The Singapore Zoo is not only a fine destination for just about anyone, but is also a truly unique zoo experience.

The Singapore Zoological Gardens occupy 28 hectares in a heavily forested part of the city-state. The best way to get there is by car or taxi, as the bus stop is a bit of a walk from the zoo. The pastoral setting of the zoo is a perfect match for its unique approach to animal exhibition.

The zoo specializes in animal displays that are open, using moats and hidden fences to keep the animals in and the people out. It is a fantastic experience to walk around the park, surrounded by trees and tropical fauna which match the animal displays perfectly. After a while you feel like you are part of the exhibits rather than just a voyeur.

One feature that I particularly loved was the opportunity to feed a variety of animals. Every day they offer visitors the ability to feed more than 20 different animals, from jaguars to manatees. You pay a nominal fee for the feed and then wait your turn to feed the remarkable animals. During the feeding, the animal keepers lead a discussion about the animals and their eating habits while also taking questions from the crowd. We fed the elephants, rhinos and manatees and had a great time. It is still one of the most memorable moments of my visit. I am sure other zoos offer similar programs, but I doubt any do it as well as the Singapore Zoo.

Singapore Zoo
Elephant feeding time

To truly enjoy the zoo properly, you should plan on spending most of the day. Also, it is Singapore after all so it gets hot. Very hot. Be sure to bring bottles of water, hats, sunscreen and anything else you may need to protect yourself from the elements. As of this writing, adult tickets were S$18 and children were S$12.

Like everything else in Singapore, the zoo is well done and perfectly designed. Even if zoos may not be your thing, I guarantee that the Singapore Zoo will be an experience you will never forget.


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